Perhaps you accidentally deleted a copy of a photo, and the only way to get it back is through Instagram. Maybe you took a photo with your Instagram in-app camera and didn't save it to your phone. However, there are plenty of reasons beyond plagiarism why you might want to hold onto the pictures from your favorite brands and influencers. Some people argue that saving photos on Instagram is tough because the channel doesn't want you to get into the habit of 'copying' other people's work. Unfortunately, Instagram doesn't exactly make it easy for users to figure out how to download and save their favorite photos. In fact, you may even enjoy the posts you see on Instagram so much that you don't want to lose them. If that's not a sign that people love the content they see on Instagram, we don't know what is. Today, ‘Grammers hit the 'like' button about 4.2 billion times a day. Looking for the ultimate Instagram photo downloader? V.3.4.8 - Upload photo from Desktop added! V.3.4.1 - Live Video support added! V.2.1.2 - Stories support added! Download Instagram's image on current page It automatically detects if you are viewing an Instagram's photo and creates a multi-formats (JPG, PNG, GIF for images) link to the file so you can click to download it easily.Hey Guys this is Mac Guru and today I am showing you how you can use Instagram on your mac using an app called Photoflow! Photoflow is not the best app for I.The well designed if limited app is handy for chronic Instagram checkers when their. Photoflow is a $4.99 app in the Mac App Store that gives quick access to Instagram from the menu bar.