Open that app from your Applications folder to start installing the operating system. It will install an app named Install Version Name. The update brings with it a slew of iOS-like features. You can find links to other useful Open Source audio and audio-visual applications, that you can download and use, in the Audacity Wiki. Safari will download the following older installers as a disk image named InstallOS.dmg or InstallMacOSX.dmg. : MacOS Sierra is finally available to Mac users via the Mac App Store.Open that app from your Applications folder to begin installing the operating system. It installs an app named Install Version Name. Other Open Source Audio and Audio-Visual Applications Safari downloads the following older installers as a disk image named InstallOS.dmg or InstallMacOSX.dmg. You may copy, distribute, modify and/or resell Audacity, under the terms of the GNU GPL.To build Audacity yourself, download the source code.Although there are a number of sellers of Audacity software on ebay, Amazon, Microsoft Store and Apple Store, none of these sellers are affiliated to Audacity, and none have contributed in any way to the Audacity project.When the download is complete, Install changes to Open. Search for the app you want to download or select a category, such as Games or Movies & TV, or other filters like Editors’ Choice or Family. Source code and user manuals for some old versions are available on FossHub, as well as AppImages since version 3.0.3. Open the Google Play Store on your smartphone or tablet. For Linux, the appropriate version of Audacity for your operating system is usually included in your distribution’s repository.For macOS 10.12 (Sierra) and earlier, legacy versions of Audacity are available on the Legacy Mac downloads page.For Windows 7 and earlier, legacy versions of Audacity are available on the Legacy Windows downloads page.