coli, the lipid II transporter candidate FtsW is thought to work in concert with the PG synthases penicillin-binding proteins PBP3 and PBP1b. The divisome controls septal PG synthesis and separation of daughter cells. We postulate that FtsQ could play a role in regulating the assembly of these division proteins at the division site and the activity of the peptidoglycan assembly machineries within the divisome.Bacteria utilize specialized multi-protein machineries to synthesize the essential peptidoglycan (PG) cell wall during growth and division.

Based on the effects of increasing production of FtsQ or FtsW on the division of cells expressing PBP3 mutants, it is suggested that these proteins could interact. On the basis of localization analyses of PBP3 mutants fused to green fluorescent protein by fluorescence microscopy, it appears that the first 56 amino acid residues of PBP3 containing the membrane anchor and the G40-E56 peptide contain the structural determinants required to target the protein to the cell division site and that none of the putative protein interaction sites present in the noncatalytic module are essential for the positioning of the protein to the division site. Among these essential division proteins, the multimodular class B penicillin-binding protein 3 (PBP3), which is specifically involved in septall peptidoglycan synthesis, consists of a short intraceflular M1-R23 peptide fused to a F24-元9 membrane anchor that is linked via a G40-S70 peptide to an R71-1236 noncatalytic module itself linked to a D237-V577 catalytic penicillin -binding module. In Escherichia coli, cell division is mediated by the concerted action of about 12 proteins that assemble at the division site to presumably form a complex called the divisome. Piette, André įraipont, Claudine ĭen Blaauwen, Tanneke Īarsman, Mirjam E. Structural determinants required to target penicillin-binding protein 3 to the septum of Escherichia coli Life sciences : Biochemistry, biophysics & molecular biology Life sciences : Microbiology Reference : Structural determinants required to target penicillin-binding protein 3 to the septum.